Xeranthemum Everlasting

Name of character: Xeranthemum Everlasting

Nicknames: Immortelle

Age: unknown, apparent age – 22 human years

Sex: female

Height: 5'8''

Species/Race: Leimoniad (meadow or flower Nymph)

Description/Appearance: A mass of pastel rose colored hair falls straight to her mid back, a cluster of papery dark pink flowers tucked behind her right ear. Twin depths of golden sherry dominate a pleasant, animated visage. Her willowy sun-kissed frame was concealed beneath a flimsy silver colored himation. Its folds falling in a careless drape to mid-thigh with a rope belt holding it tight about her waist.

Background: A simple Leimoniad whose life is devoted eternally to mischief and merriment. Tromping through the meadows, splashing in ponds, and playing hide-and-go-seek within the woods, but nothing was as entertaining as meddling in human affairs. She remembers no time before the time spent within the meadow, and has no concept of a time when she won’t be spending her time indulging all her whims.

Abilities/Magicks: Xeranthemum has the ability to make herself visible or invisible at her pleasure. She also has a minor ability to manipulate plants, and can assume the appearance of a xeranthemum bush. When distressed her scent changes becoming increasingly more floral.

Weapons/Items: Her only weapon is a sling shot, and a small bag of river stones for ammunition. She carries on her person a golden hair comb, and a small wineskin filled with ambrosia.

Nature/Alignment: Possesses a curious, self-centered nature. Her base element is Earth, and her alignment is neutral.

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Last Updated: 8:47 PM 3/19/01