
Name of character: Tehhie

Nicknames: Mystery ,Rhinia (given to her after her first Magic teacher, Rhia) Rhinia means "living Rhia"

Age: 17 going-on 18

Sex: female

Height: 6'1

Species/Race: Was strongly believed to be human, but time proved that she 's not

Description/Appearance: Silverish hair, up to her shoulders, dark blue eyes, a triangular scar above her left eyebrow. Very tall and thin

Background: does not remember her mother, who died when Tehhie was one month, her father - a powerful sorcerer, who is believed to be killed when Tehhie was three. Was raised by the family of her aunt, Imbolie, but was disliked by all but a younger child of the family - Preiivy, who, unfortunately died last year. Has sixteen ghost-brothers and sometimes visits them in their castle.

Abilities/Magicks: From childhood had a teacher and a friend, Rhia, but when Rhia was killed was learning magic from a sorceress, called Ormine, and had a high ability ro perform fire-based spells. Is a good archer, but doesn't like to fight.

Weapons/Items: carries a bow and a sack of arrows, along with water-bag and a small amulet made out of amber.

Nature/Alignment: Is neutral, doesn't really like to figth, but likes trouble, doesn't have a real friend, is very dreamy and sullen, sometimes shows the otehr side of her -

Special Notes: Tehhie doesn't like when somebody associates her with her father - she believes that they're completely different people.
She can cause troulble, and sometimes can just go crazy without any apparent reason. Tehhie is also a "mirror" - she can reflect yourself perfectly, and soon you will be talking with another version of you - only theperfect version of you - very dangerous kind of fascination.
Tehhie would like to meet a real friend, but is not very easy to talk with. Tehhie is also very stubborn and nobody will persuade her to do somethign if she doesn't feel it is right. Tehhie is always a mystery...

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