Simon Kereminde

Name of character: Simon Kereminde

Nicknames: Simon, Wanderer

Age: Unknown (see below)

Sex: male

Height: 5'11"

Species/Race: (decidedly) Human

Description/Appearance: Red hair, green eyes, and either a tan cloak and green clothes or a green cloak and earth-tone clothes.

Background: A long story follows Simon and his wife Shade. They met each other during a battle of wits, and after a short time they fell in love with each other and married. His home currently is in a world called Norelica where his family lives. He has two children, both are wandering away from home.

Ablities/Magicks: Simon's abilities in magic are generally what would be expected from someone bearing the title of 'archmage'. He has an intricate knowledge of spells, and a good deal of knowledge about how the forces of magic affect everything. In general, he can reason out a way around a problem or will find a simple answer to go through the problem.

Weapons/Items: His physical weapons are a staff of petrified wood which will only break when his spirit does, and a sword which cuts through magical barriers. Both are often left behind when travelling, but can be summoned by a spell which requires only three words and open hands.

Nature/Alignment: His nature is quite peaceful, though he becomes quickly annoyed at being given orders from anyone he doesn't know. Shade is more flexible, though she wants to know why things work the way they do.

Special Notes: Simon and Shade are extremely devoted to each other, and will never intentionally harm each other. Simon and Shade are (currently) stranded in the Fantasy Gathering Realm due to an illness. Hopefully, they can wait out the illness or cure it so they can leave. Until then, both are prepared to help anyone out who askes and is in need.

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Last Updated: 4:00 PM 9/5/99