Shara Trovere

Name of character: Shara Trovere

Nicknames: none

Age: 28

Sex: female

Height: 5'4

Species/Race: Wild Elf

Description/Appearance: Silver-Blonde hair, gray-green eyes, small facial features and very volupious

Background: Mother unknown, her and twin brother, Karin were raised by Father, Kethin. Karin was kidnapped by bandits Shortly before their 20th birthday. Shara travels to find some hint of where Karin is.

Abilities/Magicks: Immune to Poison and Fire spells (this includes love/lust spells)

Weapons/Items: bow and arrows, rapier

Nature/Alignment: chaotic good

Special Notes: She is what modernly is known as Wiccan. She makes no bones about what she is, but she doesn't go out of her way to convert others to her beliefs. She is very family-oriented. She is civil to everyone but she isn't readily trusting.

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Last Updated: 2:13 PM 11/1/00