
Name of character: shadow

Nicknames: none

Age: 27

Sex: male

Height: 6'

Species/Race: human

Description/Appearance: dark eyes, shoulder length dark hair, prefers dark clothing, prefers the shadows, round black spectacles always worn, black brimmed weathered black hat, hide boots, single cross worn on neck

Background: on my own since 15, made living in less than admirable trades, early life of picking pockets to survive led to future expertise at theivery

Abilities/Magicks: knife expert, martial arts expert, expert thief, horsemansship,archery

Weapons/Items: two double edged bone handled knives, bow and quiver, baton, bag o items reserved for the art of takin what ain't yours

Nature/Alignment: neutral....whatever pays the most

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Last Updated: 2:13 AM 2/3/01