Ronald Winslow

Name of character: Ronald Winslow

Nicknames: The Black Demon/ The Thing That Should Not Be

Age: 25

Sex: male

Height: 7'0"

Species/Race: human

Description/Appearance: 7' and around 320lbs. of solid muscle, clothed all in black complete with black gloves, long black hair and black one-eyed mask

Background: unknown/amnesia

Abilities/Magicks: exceedingly intelligent/ expert fighter/ no magic in and of himself; a source of powerful black magic centers on the mask/ extensive knowledge of warcraft, herbs, and science.

Weapons/Items: fist/knuckles, quarterstaff, chain.

Nature/Alignment: good; mask is evil

Special Notes: He awoke one day in a meadow with the mask on his face. The mask seems to be made of a light onyx stone which has proven unbreakable, even to magic. It has only a single eyehole for Ronald's right eye which is a bright crystal blue. The demonic left eye and mouth seems to be painted on in a detailed silver, but to each person that sees it the eye and mouth seem to be slightly different without ever seeming to change; thus one person sees a painted face with a closed and frowning mouth while another sees a sharp-toothed grin complete with a long forked tongue at the same time. The black magic in the mask seems to be a completely separate entity from Ronald.

Ronald cannot remove the mask without pain in his head which increases as the distance between the two increase. Under the mask he suffers from a wound which shattered his lower and upper jaw, made a deep valley of his nose and left his left eye a shattered crater. As a result of the wound he is completely mute and communicates through sign language or, more commonly, by writing on a piece of slate with chalk.

He desperately wants to do good and eventually find a friend or a way to escape the mask, but people are frightned away by his appearance and treat him no better than a monster. To keep people further away, the mask has a bad habit of killing a nearby person randomly with its magic.

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Last Updated: 7:54 AM 1/5/01