Raven Antara ranger

Name of character: Raven Antara ranger

Nicknames: Raven

Age: 99 and a half

Sex: Female

Height: 5' 5"

Species/Race: Elf.

Description/Appearance: Thin, silver gold hair in a braid, gold eyes that have a haunted look to them. Wears a green shirt and brown pants

Background: Born in Antara she left home at 18 an apprentice ranger to excape the politics in court. Travling the world she saves a man and gets drawn into a war that lasts 2 years when with only her and a elven warrier for the other side to see who would win. they both fought to a stand still gave there oths of peace and her and the warrier Draven ended the war. 100 years later now lovers they fought a dark mage and kiled him but in his death he transfered his soul to Draven's body and she had to kill him to save everyone. afrter words she went into seclusion for 20 years picking up a raven by the name of Shadight.

Abilities/Magicks: singing, blind fighting, has only earth magic.

Weapons/Items: long bow +1, longsword +2, dagger +1 (invisible), and one raven thats more then it seems.

Nature/Alignment: Neutral Good

Special Notes: None.

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Last Updated: 2:47 PM 7/2/99