
Name of character: Raesion

Nicknames: Raes

Age: 17 years (guesstimated conversion of native increments)

Sex: other

Height: 5'7"

Species/Race: Tilstik

Description/Appearance: Has golden-blonde hair, amber-yellow eyes with vertical pupils, humanoid appearance. Can shift to a bipedal feline form with light brown fur as well. Wears a beaded necklace, earring, and a gizmo on the wrist.

Background: Was raised in another dimension, and sent here randomly as the punishment for its parent's crime of murdering someone. Lucky to have wound up in a dimension capable of supporting life, it nevertheless faced the difficult task of adjusting to an alien environment and culture. The wrist gizmo it wears is a translational analyzer, as well a progamable micro-encyclopedia. It refers to this often to help it understand its new home. It was befriended early on by Merloch, who took it to Warlock Magika, (sp?). Warlock Magika used his magic to enable it to speak and understand the local language, making the initial transition much easier, though some words and concepts don't seem to translate. Has since spent a great deal of time wandering, exploring, and learning how to live here.

Ablities/Magicks: Can make a creature from its own blood. Size of the creature depends on the amount of blood used. One drop can make a spider, a teaspoon could make a sparrow, etc. Can also make such a creature from someone else's blood. Such creatures are loyal first to the owner of the blood it is made from, secondarily to Raesion as the source of creation. Such a creature cannot be used to attack Raesion. Such creatures have no will of their own and will do as instructed, regardless.

Weapons/Items: Carries no weapons, though its feline form is used for the purposes of defense, having sharp teeth and claws.
Items include the wrist gismo mentioned above, as well as the beaded necklace and earrings. The necklace has been seen to glow, though the purpose or effect has not been revealed.

Nature/Alignment: neutral/neutral

Special Notes: Appears mamalian, but is not, being effectively poisoned by milk or anything with milk in it.

It is worth noting that in its culture, violent crimes are properly dealt with by exacting punishment on one of the violator's loved ones.

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Last Updated: 10:12 PM 9/23/99