Aurianne Hope Tailae Quamada Siersou/Xternal

Name of character: Aurianne Hope Tailae Quamada Siersou/Xternal

Nicknames: Quam, Q, Quamada, etc

Age: 15

Sex: female

Height: 5'

Species/Race: Arian

Description/Appearance: long, wavy golden hair, deep, clear blue eyes, innocent, childish face

Background: ooohh..... long story. see my site

Ablities/Magicks: animal friendship, telepathy, nature 'control' psionics

Weapons/Items: sword, staff, daggers, golden medallion, pendant

Nature/Alignment: umm... you decide

Special Notes: She's curious and mischeivious, but wants the security she once had. She is not easily found now, as she searches for she knows not what. She searches for a place where she is once again accepted and loved for who she is but she cannot find it. Her people once knew her as 'the rose with thorns', but now they know her as 'the searching princess'. She doesn't especially like being a princess, but guesses she has to deal with it the best she can.

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Last Updated: 11:02 PM 8/31/99