Phaedra Sunfall

Name of character: Phaedra Sunfall

Nicknames: Phae

Age: 90

Sex: female

Height: 4'10"

Species/Race: Avariel Elven

Description/Appearance: Phaedra is tiny, fine-boned and delicate. Her lush white hair seems to sparkle with iridescence, almost like mother-of-pearl. It is coiffed in a crown of braids, which keep it out of her way in flight. Her blue eyes are alight with dreams, and they dance when joyous and darken when sorrowful. From her shoulderblades spring glorious wings, white edged in gold, as delicate-seeming as she, yet powerful in flight.

Background: Phaedra grew up as a typical Avariel youngster might - her family prosperous, her prospects fair. Her father passed on to her a love of books, and Phaedra bid fair to make her name as a poet amongst her people. Still, she felt there was more to see of the world than her home - more to put into verse than the rapture of flight, though that were the subject of an hundred poems for her. So, she bid farewell her family and set off on a journey to see what she might find, and to seek a place of tranquillity where she might compose her poems in peace.

Abilities/Magicks: Having trained with the warrior Avariel, though her family be of the artisans of her race, she is well able to defend herself if need be. She is skilled with her pen, though not so much with her tongue.

Weapons/Items: Small blowpipe and darts tipped with a soporific solution. Pen and Ink and Parchement. Reed Flute.

Nature/Alignment: Neutral good. Phaedra is of a gentle nature, rarely taking offense, indeed if insulted, she usually misses the point. She tends to the naive belief that the world is all good.

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Last Updated: 6:03 PM 3/5/01