
Name of character: Oreiyau-mey

Nicknames: Rei, Storm

Age: 1 year old

Sex: Female

Height: 3 feet at the shoulder

Species/Race: 1/2 Vir'zarie, 1/2 Taerohk wolf

Description/Appearance: Rei is to all appearances a tall wolf fem, her fur the gray of the sky in a storm, her eyes a strange silver-blue. On her brow is a pale cloud shape. She is built with the lankiness of adolescense, and her gaze is sharp and curious, taking in everything around her.

Background: Oreiyau-mey was born in a summer storm in the Everlasting Heart Territory. Her mother, Aelytau-meyvuale, was half Vir'zarie, half Taerohk; her father, TaeChiarn of the Dark Changers, was of equally mixed blood. Her mother died, or nearly died in childbirth, teleporting with the last of her strength to none know where, leaving she and her twin brother, Oyaelu-sey, alone in the world. Her father had been killed not long before in battle. The two pups were raised by a puphood friend of their mother's, a gray fox named Cloudfox, but Rei went out on her own when she was about 10 months old, eventually finding her way to the land of Fantasy Gathering.

Abilities/Magicks: The element Rei is most attuned with is that of air and water, wind and rain - that which makes up a storm. She has the capacity to use much more magic: the shapechanging magic of the Vir'zarie and the shadow-magic of the Taerohk, but she is untrained in both fields, and not fully trained in her own element either. This can be a dangerous thing, for one who has much ability for powerful stuff such as magic and no control of it can be destroyed by her own power...

Weapons/Items: None

Nature/Alignment: Mostly neutral, tending towards darkness/evil - Rei is of darkwolf blood, and the taint of shadow within her causes her sympathies to lean towards darkness.

Special Notes: Information on the Vir'zariesi can be found at http://www.angelfire.com/rpg/bardwolf/virzariesi.html

Information on the Taerohk can be found at http://www.angelfire.com/rpg/bardwolf/taerohk.html

Rei's name means "Cursed Storm" in the language of the Vir'zarie.

Her tag (signature) that I used when I RPed her at the Everlasting Heart Territory (now mostly shut down) is at http://www.bobhiggins.net/snowspine/eht/rei.jpg, but she's an adolescent now and thus doesn't look like that any longer.

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Last Updated: 12:51 PM 6/15/02