Martha Inverse

Name of character: Martha Inverse

Nicknames: Kitten

Age: 17

Sex: Female

Height: Medium

Species/Race: Human

Description/Appearance: Red/auburn hair, red eyes (the pic is in my siggy)

Background: (See History in Special Notes down below)

Abilities/Magicks: Fireballs, Fire arrows, Light, Thunder, Earthquake.

Weapons/Items: Sword, flute, bow and arrows.

Nature/Alignment: Sorceress, Treasure huntress.

Special Notes:


Martha grew up in one of the ten castles in a far away city called Tolynea. She had always had a professor that teached her many magic spells and charms, and who she trusted very much. Her father worked in one of the great positions in the government of the city, and her mother was a very famous seer, consulted by a lot of people. She also had a younger sister, which she absolutely loved. She took care of her all the time, and teached her many things she learned. Her little sister always made har laugh and they had fun togheter all the time. But that was before the disaster. One day, the sky turned totally dark, and there started raining fireballs all around. People were absolutely terrified, and they ran everywhere looking for cover in the most safe places. The rain stopped a day later. Many families were separated, and many people died in that terrible incident. That happened to her. She just stayed with her father, and her mother was found dead a week l! ater. But her younger sister dissapeared, and no one ever found her. Dead or alive. She suffered a lot because of this disaster. Her mother was dead, her beloved sister dissapeared and they had lost all their properties.

The citizens worked toghether to fix what was left of the city, and built new houses and places, so they decided to stay. This made Martha mature faster than normal. The economic situation was way better, because her father recovered his job, and she worked making magic objects, powders, potions, books and other things, and selling them. Later on, she opened a store, that was very visited by wizards, witches and magical creatures that needed some of the items. Finally, when she was fourteen, even when she was so young, she decided to leave the town and go in an adventure around the world, looking for her sister, and for great adventures, where she could improve her magic powers, and meet a lot of people.

After wandering around the world three years, she noticed how much she had changed. Her magic was way better now. She had became a treasure huntress, which helped her with the money, and was very fun too, and she had started practicing with the sword. But there were still no news about her sister. Anyone would think she was dead, but Martha didn't. She had a strange feeling that she was alive, and that she was safe, it was like a bond with her. She had decided to take a rest for a long time, and prepare herself to a harder quest after she had learned many new things. Then she arrived that city...

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Last Updated: 1:54 PM 5/1/02