
Name of character: Lixue


Age: 15

Sex: female

Height: 5'6

Species/Race: elf

Description/Appearance: kinda tall with whort pixie blond hair, and bright blue eyes.

Background: Was left in the forest by her parents, and was raised in the woods.

Abilities/Magicks: She has a little magic, but of she messes it up (but she's working on it)

Weapons/Items: She's trying to to get lessons for a friend on how to fight. She hids very well though.

Nature/Alignment: She is a very kind person, but if you get her upset she can turn very mean.

Special Notes: She has a wingsib owl named Arianna who often helps her with collecting plants for her potions. She lives in a little hut in the woods and often helps people who get sick with natural remidies. She enjoys talking to people and being outside.

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Last Updated: 6:17 PM 1/17/00