Kyle Sadika

Name of character: Kyle Sadika


Age: He assumes to be around 24 or 25.

Sex: male

Height: 5'9"

Species/Race: Valheru servant, of human and elven blood

Description/Appearance: Please see for him during ceremony, and these two for traveling garb; and

Background: As the story goes, when he was a small child, he had been found in the woods alone by Mystarria. Somehow he had intrigued her, and without a question as to wether he was lost, had no parents or whatever, she took him with her to be trained and raised. He became her Cosmic and Spiritual Advisor.

Abilities/Magicks: Most of his skills are in divination techniques. He has mastered the mystic arts of astrology, tarot, palm reading, scrying (in crystals, mirrors and smoke), tea leaves (a last-ditch effort only), runes, auras/karma, and various else.

Weapons/Items: On his belt, there are two small crystal balls, half the size of one's fist, which are connected by a beaded chain. When they are to be used for ceremonies or scrying, they magically grow to rather the size of a man's head. He also has a lodestone, marked on the north end by an engraved star, which hangs on a cord from his belt. When traveling he will carrying a slim staff with a glowing cresent at the top of it. Other items include; candles, runes, aura charts, karma beads, various charms of protection, tarot cards, a silver ceremonial knife, astrological charts, a small leather pouch of tea leaves, palm/hand charts, a polished mirror, a pouch of smoke crystals, a magnifying lens, various coins, some blank parchment scrolls, a bottle of ink and a few quill pens.

Nature/Alignment: While not an all-around great guy, he remains loyal to Mystarria, and is utterly honest.

Special Notes: He is often feircly superstitious, and will make judgements about people or ideas quickly, through he will often be rather accurate. He pays little attention to gender; he seems not to be intrigued by love or attraction in the least. He is highly focused on his mystism and his job as consul to Mystarria. He has a nasty streak, which may rise to the surface once and awhile, but for the most part remains indifferantly or curtly, sometimes to the point of seeming rude and unaproachable, to others, an often difficult person to argue with, but a fine man to have on one's side.

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Last Updated: 5:32 PM 6/29/00