
Name of character: Kerrene

Nicknames: Kerre

Age: 15

Sex: Female

Height: 5 feet 6 inches

Species/Race: elf

Description/Appearance: pale skin, naturally pink cheeks, thick,long wavy chestnut hair, gray-green eyes

Background: born in the city

Abilities/Magicks: powers with ice and water

Weapons/Items: quiver of arrows and bow, an amulet with strange writing on it, a belt-purse

Nature/Alignment: Kerre is very rude most of the time. She is extremely bitte.

Special Notes: Kerre was born in the city. Her parents were killed by Trolls when she was 13. SHe now has bitterness against all Trolls, humans, and other Elfs. She had a brother, but he was killed also. She recieved her amulet from her mother when she was 8 and found her maigical ice powers when she was 10. Everyone is Kerre's enemy. She doesn't have many friends. Her only friend is a gryphon named Da'Kar. She rides him often.

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Last Updated: 11:13 AM 12/20/01