Katarina Deranged

Name of character: Katarina Deranged

Nicknames: Kat

Age: 25

Sex: Female

Height: 5'2"

Species/Race: Elven/Human/Gypsy

Description/Appearance: Generally dressed in elven or gypsy garb, many charms and amulets of varying origins, an elven made cloak that will allow her to blend with her surroundings, her hair is very long and purplish, her eyes are an ever changing dark shade of blue or black the true color is not known.

Background: After a raid upon her families gypsy camp and her own abuse by the bandits she was found by a lone elderly woman that healed all her wounds and trained her to heal others as she had done for the young lass. And one day on their hunt for herbs they ran across the men that had killed her family and they trapped and burned them alive. Exacting her revenge. She then travelled to ease her mind of its torment and help others that needed her healing powers.

Abilities/Magicks: Healing and defense only.

Weapons/Items: Several daggers and potions

Nature/Alignment: Good

Special Notes:

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Last Updated: 1:21 AM 11/14/00