Kassandra Rintula

Name of character: Kassandra Rintula

Nicknames: Blizzard15

Age: 17

Sex: female

Height: 5'1

Species/Race: Human/Bird

Description/Appearance: Wears a lavander cloak, usually with the hood up. A silver ornate clasp holds it together, and contains some magical power. Her eyes are very light lilac, and her hair is blond. She wears the cloak to cover her huge owl-like wings, which sprout from her back. Her hair is always pulled into a tight braid (With purple ribbons braided in).

Background: Abandonded after birth, Kassandra has always been a bit loud and daring. She says whatever is on her mind and has a habit of not holding anything back when speaking to people. She was born with her wings, though they weren't very strong then. After being abandoned, she was raised by a kind old man that found her crying near a stream. He taught her what he could of fighting, which she does with a pair of mythril gauntlets.

Abilities/Magicks: Mostly thunder magick, which she only uses in extreme cases. Would rather use her fists than magick. Can also fly (duh!) using her wings.

Weapons/Items: Mythril Gauntlets

Nature/Alignment: Neutral

Special Notes: Never avoids contact, and confronts people as much as possible. Actually known to start fights with anyone that angers her, and shows her feelings whenever possible. Never removes her gauntlets, not even to sleep.

Has been traveling alone for many years, and is looking for comrades. Currently residing where ever the wind takes her...

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Last Updated: 8:21 PM 9/17/00