
Name of character: Kari

Nicknames: N/A

Age: 14

Sex: female

Height: 5'4

Species/Race: Fairy/Human

Description/Appearance: She has short, spiked blonde hair, blue eyes and very pale skin. She wears a blue dress, with a jagged bottom. She wears blue slippers. She has a unicorn as a pet. He name is Piper.

Background: She came from a wealthy family but they died. She found Piper when she was little, and set out to do some traveling.

Abilities/Magicks: She can light a fire in the palm of her hand. She can grow small, and She can through fire at enemies.

Weapons/Items: She has a golden amulet and a Jewled sword.

Nature/Alignment: Good

Special Notes: None.

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Last Updated: 1:49 PM 11/9/00