
Name of character: guenhvyer

Nicknames: guenh

Age: physically 18, actual age about 6

Sex: female

Height: five foot nine

Species/Race: Lyganti (shadow dancer)

Description/Appearance: short and unruly black hair; purple ancestral almost ruinic tattos that run from scalp, down the right side of her face, along the right side of her neck and down the back (yes, they do sereve a purpose); purple eyes; dragon wings; quite a few scars

Background: short yet painful.

Ablities/Magicks: phasing (as in becoming intangible); can create any metal weapon, however they disappear shorty after leaving her body (just enough time to strike) unless she concentrates; shadow porting; and various other shadow related attacks which would be pointless to relate incase someone was reading this with the intention of hacking me to little pieces, a situation i would like to avoid

Weapons/Items: foam bat o' death from Merloch from al loonnggg time ago

Nature/Alignment: don't know, don't care

Special Notes: a little on the wild, sarcastic side, guenh can't stnd people who seem too powerful for their own good, those who can't take a joke and being called 'lady' or 'cute'. never been one of the more powerful (power has never interested her) players, she can still put up a good fight and would defend her friends to the death. for more information and pictures, go to guenh's website at

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Last Updated: 2:33 AM 7/31/99