
Name of character: Grigory


Age: late twenties (not sure exactly)

Sex: male

Height: 6'5"

Species/Race: human

Description/Appearance: Brown eyes, unkept, short brown hair, his face covered in stubble, and always wearing a brown monk's robe tied at the waist with a grass rope. Is appearance is friendly and he's unkept, but not nasty, because of spending so much time in the wilderness. There is a long scar down his side from a skirmish with some bandits a while back.

Background: Grigory was born in a bustling town very far away. His father was a member of organized crime and his mother spent her time taking advantage of what he made. They were both very premiscuous and alcoholic. When they had Grigory, they were very unhappy. Grigory's parents cared little for him and neglected and abused him. Grigory was left to fend for himself his childhood, but at age 5, he found his way into a temple. The priests were kind to him. Grigory began spending as much time as possible in the temple. Eventually, he became an acolyte. There he learned about ethics, the gods, nature, races, geography, and people. The far away places and amazing stories and heroes Grigory read about amazed him. He developed an adventurous spirit. In addition to academics, he also learned meditative practices, forms of combating evil, and when and when not to use force. The priests were very fond of him and did not mind taking on such and enthusiastic learner as a student.! Every night, though, Grigory had no choice but to trudge home and take a beating from his parents for wasting his time. By ten he ran away from home, but rather than be sent to an orphanage or worse, back to his parents, he lived in the streets along with minimal support from the temple. He gained streets smarts and learned to avaid roughians. He spent most nights sleeping on the steps of the temple. At age 15, Grigory felt called on to leave the city. He began a life of piety and travel as a monk/guru. Since then he has travelled on foot through wilderness, towns, and cities, continually searching for knowledge and enlightenment and promoting balance where he could. He began to befriend the animals and become in sink with nature, sometimes not coming upon another person for months. Occasionally he would be attacked by robbers or goblins, but had always been able to fend them off or evade them.

Abilities/Magicks: Martial arts, stealth, some defensive and healing magick, and minor empathy.

Weapons/Items: A blessed walking staff with many religious symbols carved into it, his brown robe, a rope, a sharp non-combat knife(though it could be used that way), and a few gold coins.

Nature/Alignment: good

Special Notes: He has travelled extensively and has made contact with many different religions and philosophies. He has picked up much knowledge and many skills along his way. In addition, he has developed his own beliefs and does not follow any one god in specific. Through a self-sacrificing, possessionless life, and meditation he found "enlightenment" nirvanna, or whatever you call it.

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Last Updated: 10:32 PM 5/27/02