
Name of character: Dasian

Nicknames: none

Age: 17

Sex: male

Height: 6 ft

Species/Race: unknown, his father was an elf, his mother was a morpher, and his aunt was a human.

Description/Appearance: Deep scar across his cheeck. Black hair w/ one white strip at the side. Thin, tall, and strong. Soft blue eyes w/ a silver blue pupil.

Background: Born and raised in a small village in the land in the green land of Shaiper. When he was 9 his village was attacked and his family - and everyone else in the village - was killed in the sombat except for his sister - Xan. He grew up w/ a wizard - as his apprentice - until he was 17, when his master died of old age. Now he wanders around the forest looking for a master or someone that can tell him why he's still alive after all that...

Abilities/Magicks: He can shape sea and land weather any way he wants to, can create lots of illusions, and can cast a finding spell - a spell that helps you search for anything - and a binding spell - a spell that binds objects together, such as wood to make a boat...

Weapons/Items: His master didn't have much, but here's what he got: a dagger charmed w/ battle magic - a magic that physically and magically hurts the attacked - and a silver red scythe - which probably also has a greater battle magic in it but only people who know what it is can use it.

Nature/Alignment: Wizard - deals mostly w/ light and air.

Special Notes: He had a familar once - a small squirrel, which was called Xa after his sister - but it disappeared one morning.

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Last Updated: 1:23 PM 12/9/00