Bard Reginald

Name of character: Bard Reginald

Nicknames: None

Age: 22

Sex: male

Height: 5'11"

Species/Race: Human

Description/Appearance: The bard is tall and lanky, clothed in plain forest garb and a somewhat rumpled burgundy cape. Thin shoulder-length mouse-brown hair falls straight just past his shoulders, a few strands falling across his high forehead. Long eyebrows hang over dark green, sad-looking eyes. His nose is aquiline and his mouth thin-lipped and rarely curved into a smile. His chin is small, somewhat pointed, and recedes a bit.

Background: Born in Quinley Village to nondescript parents (his father a forester and his mother a weaver), the third of four children. His two brothers are six and eight years older than he is, and much brawnier. Jerg is a blacksmith now and From is a forester. His sister Rylie was only 11 months younger than him, and her death of some unknown wasting sickness some years ago is the tragedy that haunts him. Although his musical and poetic abilities were clear from his childhood, his parents refused to apprentice him to a bard; instead he trained with a cooper and hated it. Soon after Rylie's death he left home and wandered, learning the bardic trade in bits and pieces in his travels.

Abilities/Magicks: From his father, Reginald learned to throw a knife with deadly accuracy. He is not a bad aim with a bow and arrows. He knows no magic and has never wielded a sword. He is a good enough rider. He knows no magic, but his musical talents are awfully close to enchanting.

Weapons/Items: The Bard carries a pair of knives at his waist, a shepherd's pipes in a pouch over his shoulder, a four-stringed dulcimer strapped to his back under his ash bow, and a quiver slung over the other shoulder.

Nature/Alignment: good, even if preoccupied with his own tragedies

Special Notes: Reginald is awfully shy when it comes to relationships--he can perform to a crowd, can even converse naturally with individuals, but as soon as any closeness threatens he becomes extremely nervous. He has never been popular (for anything but music, at least). His sister Rylie was the only person he ever knew who both understood and loved him, and when she died despite his prayers and gifts to the local gods, he lost all faith in the goodness of the world. Although he doesn't really realize it, his barding is partly a quest for a new faith, perhaps even for a reason to believe in the existence and goodness of a god.

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Last Updated: 10:23 PM 10/6/00