Aslinn Kili

Name of character: Aslinn Kili

Nicknames: Asili

Age: 30 but looks younger

Sex: female

Height: 5'9"

Species/Race: a Traangol (reindeer women)

Description/Appearance: Leaf green gold eyes, beautiful, except for a scar along her chin, red brown hairand a flying serpent going from her elbow to her shoulder on her right arm. is a gold pelted reindeer and a white Raven

Background: was a princess to a land of fire and life

Abilities/Magicks: none but the ability to become a reindeer and a white raven

Weapons/Items: daggers and a golden pelt and a cape of white feathers

Nature/Alignment: Chaotic good

Special Notes: at the moment she has amnesia and cant remember anything of who or what she is

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Last Updated: 9:13 PM 4/17/00