Aldwar Treeshadow

Name of character: Aldwar Treeshadow

Nicknames: none

Age: 6,537 yrs. old

Sex: Male

Height: 6' 9"

Species/Race: Elf

Description/Appearance: tall, light brown hair, blue eyes, mysterious.

Background: Orphaned as a child. Grew up alone, living off the woods.

Abilities/Magicks: Excelent hearing and eyesight. Can perform simple healing and sense enhansing magic.

Weapons/Items: Long Bow, Elven sword, dagger, and mail. Carries various healing herbs.

Nature/Alignment: mysterious, helpful to those in need, silent, and inward with feelings.

Special Notes: Rides a black horse named Shadowmane. Is skilled in various lore of all races.

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Last Updated: 7:24 PM 3/2/02