Aareth O'Dhélyn

Name of character: Aareth O'Dhélyn

Nicknames: Aareth

Age: 24

Sex: Male

Height: 5'11"

Species/Race: Tiefling (Planetouched)

Description/Appearance: Human in appearance save for 2 bottom fangs and a patch of reddish, scaly skin covering his neck and shoulders, upon closer inspection (which he doesn't allow if he can help it), his dark brown hair hides two patches of bone where horns would grow

Background: Was born in a secluded town where his father (fiend) was able to maintain a human appearance and live peacefully till the townsfolk discovered his nature and slain him and his human wife, Aareth was 12 and has lived as a wanderer alone since

Abilities/Magicks: Immunity to fire and heat, ability to summon minor fire spells, able to see in complete darkness, skilled in swordplay two weapon fighting and unarmed combat as well as thievery (picking pockets, hiding, moving silently and the occasional finding and disarming of traps and secret doors)

Weapons/Items: A long sword and short sword strapped on his back as well as a series of concealed weapons, a black cloak worn with the hood up, and a backpack containing 3 days food and water

Nature/Alignment: chaotic/good: does what he thinks it right by his rules (no one elses)

Special Notes: harbors a fear of having his nature(race) known

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Last Updated: 9:33 PM 2/17/02