Aaak Pthhh

Name of character: Aaak Pthhh

Nicknames: "Red-Nose"

Age: unknown, more than 100yrs, less than 1000

Sex: male

Height: 5'0"

Species/Race: half-human, half-something else

Description/Appearance: short, pleasantly plump, totally bald, very dark skin, black eyes, extremely hairy, usually has a knowing smirk on his face. generically handsome, some laugh-lines around the eyes

Background: Aaak Pthhh remembers being a child in a wealthy house-hold. He was raised by the servants, but his mother and father were the owners of the property. At age 10 he was taught the rudiments of magic by a tutor. At age 12 he was left in a forest and abandoned. He managed to return home a few days later, somewhat advanced in learning, and very angry. He killed his tutor, and was left alone to learn what he would from the books and scrolls left by that unfortunate. At age 14, much more advanced, Aaak's father took him back to the forest and cast a spell on him. Aaak has been wandering ever since, sometimes remembering his origins, at other times remembering only another life. He was been a woodsman, a hunter, an assassin, a soldier, a court mage, and the plaything of a demon. The demon, a nameless creature, took him on a tour of many strange and terrible places. Aaak finally escaped the demon, but the battle was so fierce and so strange that he remembers! little of it...and has been changed by it in several ways.

Abilities/Magicks: Aaak can brew poisons, can generate and use Hellfire. He can conjure ordinary flame and fire spells, is immune to Dragonfire. Aaak is also a shapeshifter, but has only mastered two shifts; he can switch to a female version of himself, and can add two or three feet in height to his original male form. He is well-versed in scrying methods, his favorite being the use of fire.

Weapons/Items: A staff with a 6"-diameter polished red stone at one end. The stone is enchanted to contain and release fire magic. The staff is also a close-quarters combat weapon. Aaak Pthhh has a back-pack loaded with a small cooking pan, a few cooking/eating tools, a wood-cutting axe, a blade-sharpening tool, a scrying crystal, an enchanted scroll (see notes). His clothing is a pair of dragon-hide boots, black silk pants, a black silk shirt, a large black cape (enchanted--see notes).

Nature/Alignment: Aaak Pthhh tries to be a good man, sometimes doesn't give a damn what happens to others, and his time with the demon left him a drinker and gave him a nickname: Aaak Red-Nose. See notes

Special Notes: Aaak was cursed during the final moments of his battle with his late demon-master. When he is angry, or under great stress, the use of great amounts of magic cause him to shape-shift. the shape shift is usually random, into forms other than those he knows how to get into and out of easily.

Aaak's cape is enchanted. As long as he wears it, his clothing stays clean, and is repaired of damage done in battle or by snagging on sharpe corners, or any other means. The cape also confers his immunity to fire and/or Dragonfire to his clothing and itself.

The scroll is enchanted to take an almost infinite amount of writing on it. If necessary, the command to "Imprint!" causes it to print a few thousand words in the pages of a blank book placed on top of it. The holder of the scroll has only to hold it, and think of what he/she wishes to read for the words to be found easily. The scroll always has a table of contents ready for whomever holds it.

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Last Updated: 7:34 PM 9/23/00