Fantasy Gathering News

6/1/03 I removed the topsites. I can't log into the topsites because it's either down or won't let me in. Active sites were dwindling so I decided to kick it back to the curb like I did in the first place.

5/25/03 Wow! After taking a peek of FG on another monitor, I couldn't believe how bright everything was! I believe my own monitor has been dimming because it was definitely very dark on mine. After getting a new monitor, I toned the background down so I hope it's dark enough now.

5/3/03 You can now adopt a Dracoline!

I fixed up the Home-Brewing a Character! page.

5/1/03 I cleaned out the Top Sites of all sites that got a 0. It brought it down to a small number of sites but I figure it'll be more easier for me to handle at the moment. I will be posting the top 10 soon.

I just updated all the pages that were spotted to me that were still linking to the old host. Let me know if you spot any that I missed.

Also, posted the Top 10 for April! Congrats!

4/27/03 I fixed up the front page to bring everything out since people continue to say that they can't find anything (even though it was all on the left side menu.) I hope this helps.

4/1/03 I was encouraged to bring the top sites back and so I decided to dust through it. Right now, I pretty much removed all the sites that stopped working. I don't know if I'll go through each site to see if they got the banner. I'm thinking that at the end of the month, if they bring in 0 hits, all of them will be removed. I'll put up the topsites stuff again soon but right now, I'm wiped!

Part 2: I edited the Top Sites and posted it. Quite a big gap from Feb 2002 to today. However, I did post the top 10 that had been up all this time without ever being reset. :)

3/29/03 Site was moved to a new space with thanks to a friend. :)

Looking through old stuff, I found the ring and decided.. what the heck? I cleaned the ring out and uploaded the html in case other people wanted to join.

I also put back the greeting card section. Enjoy!

8/15/01 To our members who went to FG@TheGlobe. has closed down today so Fantasy Gathering can't be accessed if you're a member at over there. I also noticed that can not be accessed either so I don't know if it's an ISP problem or if they closed down too. I've not been able to get in there for the longest time now. Both of these links are removed.

Don't worry about Fantasy Gathering though! It still thrives at Yahoo! :)

8/1/01 MAJOR UPDATE! Did y'all think I abandoned you? Nah. I just took a very needed vacation. This is the updates that I have done.

Profiles - If you have submitted profiles from May 10, 2001 to July 31, 2001. I have now posted your profiles. I have to warn most of you though, Over 100 profiles were thrown into the trash because they were considered "empty". Because of this, I have a new rule. Every field is now required except for the "special notes" field.

Top Sites - I have finally posted all the months, including July! Remember, If you don't know what it's about, Then check it out and if you're interested, join FG's Top Sites! I want to take this moment and congratulate 2 winners.

Third 3-time Winner!
Ldy-Icedragon's Images For the Months of April, May, and June of 2001.

Fourth 3-time Winner!
Fairy Hollow For the Months of February, March, and July of 2001.

Also, A lot of people asked me how in the world can they get more votes if they're not getting a lot of traffic? I took the time to compile a small list of things you can do to get your site known and increase traffic.

Since there are over 100 sites in the FG's Top Sites, I will now be recording sites who got 5 or less votes monthly. If this happens 3 times in a row, I will consider it 'inactive' and delete it from the list.

Twilight Knowledge - I have finally added information about Fantasy Gathering. When you enter Twilight Knowledge, There should be a section titled "About Fantasy Gathering". You can read about the legend of SunRa and MoonLi as well as a map of FG itself, plus some more things to read! Check it out!

Nyderaven's Library of Links - I'll admit, This library has not been touched in over a year. Yahoo has shut down the e-mail account due to inactivity. What upsetted me was a lot of people did submit urls and probably are frustrated that they didn't get listed. However, lucky for me and you all, I have found someone willing to volunteer their time to keep the library of links updated! This meant that the library of links was moved to a NEW url! You can find it here: Keep an eye out for many changes in the Library of Links!

The Clearing Chat - Some of you remember the LiveUniverse chat called "The Clearing". Unfortunately, due to a lot of complaints about it not working, also an e-mail from LiveUniverse saying they were merging with Homestead and talking about making people pay, I have removed it. I've not found a replacement and I don't think I will. Who knows.

5/9/01 I finally got the profiles posted today. But I had to delete a LOT of "empty" profiles. I just don't have the time to post them. If you submitted a profile between 3/1/01 to 5/8/01 and you didn't get an e-mail or see your profile posted yet, It was either deleted or got lost. I lost a lot of profiles in an accident. Remember, when you're submitting profiles, Put information in there to make it worth my time to post them! :)

I have posted the Top 10 for April of the Fantasy Gathering's Top Sites! If you don't know what it's about, Then check it out and if you're interested, join FG's Top Sites!

4/1/01 I've not posted profiles in a long time, I will try my best to get to them soon as possible, They're stacking up in my inbox!

I have posted the Top 10 for March of the Fantasy Gathering's Top Sites! If you don't know what it's about, Then check it out and if you're interested, join FG's Top Sites!

3/1/01 I know things are very slow but I've just been busy. Yes, I know I should have volunteers to help me but I'm just one of those stubborn dragons that insists I do it on my own. Maybe one day, We will see.

I have posted the Top 10 for February of the Fantasy Gathering's Top Sites! If you don't know what it's about, Then check it out and if you're interested, join FG's Top Sites!

1/1/01 Happy 2001! Things have been busy for me but I hope to get back into the groove of keeping things brand spanking new! I will get to work on the profiles that are piling up like crazy in my inbox. What does everyone think of the new menu on the side? People were asking, "Kyrsanth, You really oughta make a navigation area that lists all the things so that people know where the heck things are!"

I have posted the Top 10 for December of the Fantasy Gathering's Top Sites! If you don't know what it's about, Then check it out and if you're interested, join FG's Top Sites!

12/2/00 Lots of questions are being asked and so I have slapped together two new FAQ pages! Fantasy Gathering Profiles FAQ and Fantasy Gathering Clubs FAQ.

11/22/00 Surprisingly, Yahoo has given Fantasy Gathering it's own category in the clubs section! You can find the listing of clubs in this category here:

11/13/00 There has been an addition to Fantasy Gathering. There is a town growing near the clearing. After several days of voting in the OOC Oubliette, The town has finally been named as Four Winds Crossing. Also, further discussion in the OOC Oubliette about training. Classes and Schools or lessons amongst players/characters. You can visit Fantasy Gathering and meet DarkNova at his Night's Keep for further information and there is also Temple of the Mages where you can contact Mistress Nissandra for further information.

11/5/00 I had to activate the "Vote Gateway" in FG's Top Sites. I caught several people using a pop-up that links to the direct voting url.. So people didn't have a choice. The Vote Gateway will allow people to have a choice wether they will vote or not. I hope this doesn't interrupt things for other members in the top sites.

11/3/00 I have finally cleared out all Y!Webrings. I'm sorry, I'm not going to post their navbar on my page. I've gotten several friends who want me to join their rings from Ringsurf. Right now, things are bare in the Webring section and I am in the middle of joining several rings.

About Twilight Knowledge, A few people have asked if they can send in information for the library. Yes, I am willing to accept information you may have. But, I will not post words that you have copied from another page. They must be in YOUR OWN WORDS because if someone e-mails me saying, "That was taken from my page!", I will give them your e-mail address and let them deal with you.

10/31/00 I finally posted a huge batch of new profiles and e-mailed people that it has been posted. I did discard a lot of "empty" profiles. I don't have all that time to be posting profiles saying, "male, half dragon, ran away from home". If you're filling out the profile, Put some thought and information in it. Make it worth *my* time to post your profile for others to see. Thank you. ;)

10/27/00 I have gotten several complaints about people abusing the interactive story by submitting idiotic and obscene chapters. Keep in mind, this site is for people of all ages. If you come across a chapter that you don't think is appropriate, please e-mail me at (remove antispam before sending). Thank you.

10/1/00 FG's Top Sites has been updated. The first top 10 of September can be found by clicking the link and a new month has started. If you have a fantasy or science fiction site, Feel free to sign up and join in the fun.

9/19/00 I have moved Fantasy Gathering Ring to a new provider. Ringsurf (Yahoo has really screwed up the rings.). But the ring is now accepting new sites!

9/12/00 New urls were posted in the Nyderavens' Library of Links.

9/11/00 Ok, I finished adding the 40+ profiles I got over the month, You can find them by clicking here. The Nyderavens' Library of Links is not up to date so I will get to that next.

9/10/00 I have finished fixing the links on the profiles. All I have left is to fix the profiles that are now piling up in my e-mail box. Also, The Nyderavens' Library of Links is not up to date. I will get to working on that as soon as I finish the profiles. All this work for one dragons. whew! *grins*

9/7/00 I have *finally* been able to get Fantasy Gathering all fixed! If you notice now, We're offering FREE homepages! So get yourself one before a name you want is gone! All sections of Fantasy Gathering should be working now. However, I am still working on the profiles. I should get that fixed in several days, I have to go through each profile (over 300!) and fix links on each page so that's gonna take some time.

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